Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Writing: Disclaimer

**ALL names of people that I write about in stories and entries have been changed for their privacy and mine. I will probably reiterate this in every post.**

The follow are general disclaimers for whenever I write something personal. They are also nearly a direct quote of the first couple of pages of the journal that I kept for a couple months this fall. 

1. Sometimes I narrate, annotate, and go into stream of consciousness. I do this when I speak, when I write, and nearly anytime that I am expressing myself in words.

2. This one is more bothersome to me and I have only really started coming to terms wit it over the ast couple of months. I lie to my journals (entries, etc.). I over -and under- exaggerate, put things in that didn't happen and omit important things that did. This isn't always the case (and a lot of times it's minor), but it will usually happen at times when it is the most important to be honest. I (think I) understand some of the reasons behind it, but not all. (More on this in a later entry probably).

3. My writing, writing styles, syntax, vocabulary, honesty, etc. will change depending on what time of day it is. Depending on a whole lot of factors, once it hits a certain hour I basically become a completely different person. 

4. My vocabulary varies by the minute and I will often leaves blanks or quotes around a word when I can't quite figure out exactly what I'm trying to say.

5. I have a higher tolerance than I seem to think and imply that I do for most things. I also have a lower tolerance and am probably in denial for many things. (This will make more sense if it comes up).

6. Sometimes my vocabulary and syntax gets very repetitive. 

7. I either become obsessed with journalling/blogging/etc. to the point that it keeps me up all night and it's all that I can think about, or I forget about it. Please hang in there with me if and when I start to do either and both, which will inevitably happen at some point. 

I know that there are more, but this is what I have for now!


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